Publish Date: Tuesday 31st July 2018
Publish Location: Government Media Statements
Project: Warren Health Service - Manjimup
Links (if applicable): for-the-South-West.aspx
Hon Roger Cook BA GradDipBus MBA MLA
Deputy Premier; Minister for Health; Mental Health
Brand new Warren Health Service in Manjimup is now open
Part of the biggest capital works program ever completed by the WA Country Health Service
Health Minister Roger Cook today officially opened the state-of-the-art $37.6 million Warren Health Service in Manjimup.

The Warren Health Service is part of a $300 million capital works program delivered by the WA Country Health Service to develop and improve hospitals in 37 towns across the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Mid-West and South-West regions.
New infrastructure and technology at the health service, together with modern patient information systems, will ensure patients receive the best care possible within the WA Country Health Service.
The new hospital brings modern healthcare to Manjimup and surrounding districts. The scope of works includes:
an expanded area for outpatient appointments;
a new emergency department with well-equipped resuscitation rooms;
a new ward area;
medical imaging facilities;
a family focused birthing suite with a purpose-built bath which enables immersion in water for pain relief during labour;
a modern, well-equipped operating theatre;
a mental health consultation room;
a minor procedure room to improve the management of trauma and other emergencies;
consultation rooms for visiting specialists and community mental health; and
a thoughtfully designed palliative care room to accommodate the needs of patients and their families in a home-like environment.
The new hospital also has improved technology to support clinicians and patients alike.
Telehealth-enabled consultation rooms mean that more patients can access the care they need from specialists without travelling great distances.
The new Warren Health Service has been designed and constructed with a contemporary information and communications technology system, including a new wireless network for staff. The wireless network will allow staff to be more mobile throughout the hospital, enabling them access to contemporary healthcare technology, helping the delivery of high-quality patient care.
The new hospital has also helped attract more doctors to Manjimup, with a total of 14 local doctors now visiting the Warren Health Service.
Comments attributed to Health Minister Roger Cook:
"The Warren Health Service is an impressive hospital which brings quality care to the South-West region and puts patients first.
"The investment in information and communication technology at the hospital means that the facility is future-proofed and can cope with advancements in technology and the delivery of health care.
"The McGowan Government is committed to delivering sustainable healthcare and the introduction of more telehealth consultation rooms at Warren Health Service will allow more patients to get the care they need closer to home."
Minister's office - 6552 6500
